
Developer Notes 002


Visual Design Book (Online) by Anthony Hobday

Anthony Hobday has blessed the people with an entire online book laying out visual design principles. This should be required reading for all who craft anything that results in a visual product. Stumbled on this through this Deep Dive Podcast.

Better CSS Underlines

This article walks through the process that the Medium team went through to crafting underlines that better support their customization needs. I enjoyed reading through the creative and iterative process and outside-the-box thinking of using something other than underlines to underline. I ended up using this method on this current site and I love it.

Intersection Observers

Mozilla Docs - Intersection Observer API

Recently, I was tasked with creating an infinite scroll table component. We deal with a lot of data and tables with hundreds of rows here at Veris. With that in mind, we wanted a way to make navigating through those long lists feel a bit more fluid. There are plenty of packages out there for this, but they tend to be a little more complicated than we necessarily want to deal with. Especially since this native JavaScript/HTML exists!

Create Tools with a Generational Mindset

A short, yet inspirational tweet from @kepano of Obsidian about creating tools that have the ability to create things that outlast the tool itself.

Linear Blog Post: Invisible Details

Linear has an incredible design and craft philosophy, and it shows in their work. This article touches on that briefly before going into the details of making a context menu that is useful and enjoyable to use.

Usability Heuristics by Jakob Nielson

Jakob Nielson is a leader in the user experience world and has provided much to the community. This infographic helps keep important principles on the forefront of the mind. (The article prefacing the infographic is a great read as well).